Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So yesterday after we spent most of the day in Portland, we headed east to make some progress before settling into our next campsite. We took Interstate 84 along the Columbia River Gorge. There are tons of hiking trails in this area - we wish we had more time to do them all! Instead, we just stopped at Multnomah Falls, a two tiered 620 foot high waterfall! Pictures don't do it justice!
From there, we found a campsite, a little more rustic than the KOA from the night before! This morning, we had a leisurely morning making our first stop at the Bonneville Fish Hatchery where we met Herman, the 11 foot long, 500 pound, 70 year old Sturgeon. He was a little camera shy but here is one of his relatives...No, not Carl...

We drove for a little while longer, enjoying our book on tape "Long Way Round", and stopped for lunch at park in Pendleton to savour our tuna hot dogs - what can I say, we didn't have any bread!

We drove until about 4:30 looking out at scenery that looked much like the picture to the left! The weather has been hot! I think today was the hottest so far! We are now in a small town called Baker City. It is small like I mentioned and very old fashioned looking. It's like taking a step back in time or onto a movie set. They have a Bank of America here that is actually in an old victorian looking house. We checked out the Geiser Grand Hotel built in 1889 and "lauded by the New York Times as one of the best hotels in the Pacific Northwest". We also saw the Carnegie Library Building built in 1909 funded by the same guy that funded the Carnegie Hall in Vancouver. As we drive farther and farther, we are seeing fewer and fewer Canadian license plates :( We are now only a few "miles" away from Idaho!

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