Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 26: Cabot Trail to Sydney, NS

Ahhhh, I forgot how nice it was to wake up to warm sunshine!  We stayed dry last night and all our stuff has officially dried out from the rain we encountered in previous days.  We threw on some shorts and continued along the Cabot Trail, stopping a few times to do a small hike or check out some look-out’s.  

These Wildflowers are growing everywhere in Nova Scotia in white, light pink and purple.  They are gorgeous!

A wild Orchid
Unfortunately, that hot sun didn’t stick around for long and after about 20 minutes of driving, the rain was back in full force and sitting here at 9:40pm, it still hasn’t subsided.  The rain, mixed with fog meant that we didn’t get the views we were hoping for on the second half of the Cabot Trail…On the other hand, the more driving we do and with the sights we see, we realize that we are really spoiled with where we grew up!  So far, pretty much every place we have gone, we can compare it to somewhere back home whether it be driving in the rockies (a smaller version), the Okanagan or the Oregon Coast.  I’m sad to say that in a sense we are kind of disappointed with what we thought were going to be amazing places.  Having said that, the rain doesn’t help and I’m sure if we had more time to explore, we might appreciate it more as well.  Our travels ended today in Sydney, NS where we had our first taste of lobster!  

Don’t worry, it won’t be our only taste, we just had to try this.  

It wasn’t worth the $6, tasted like lettuce on a hot dog bun with some slimy white stuff.  

From Sydney, is where we are to catch the ferry to Newfoundland tomorrow.  And that’s where the next dilemma stands…We were supposed to leave tomorrow at 2:30pm and head to Argentia, about an hour away from St.John’s.  Well apparently that ferry needs mechanical work and therefore there are no ferries running to Argentia.  We have been re-scheduled to go to Port Aux Basques on the other end of Newfoundland at 10:30pm tomorrow!  Luckily I was able to call and at least get switched to the 11:30am ferry so we don’t waste a day in Sydney (there is nothing here), although now we’re wasting a day on the ferry, as opposed to a night like originally planned.  The other dilemma is that they don’t know if the ferry from Argentia, Nfld back to Sydney, NS will be running again by the time we need to get back!  This could mean we have to do the drive between Argentia and Port Aux Basque (about 10 hours) twice, which adds an extra day of unexpected driving!  Ugggghhh, if it only it wasn’t pouring outside, maybe I’d fee better about things!  At this point, we are praying that we stay on schedule and that the sun makes an appearance and sticks around!

We had to have our BBQ chicken over the fire at some point - can't let the rain take away all our fun!

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