Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Ok so maybe my math is a little off there but who am I kidding, it's always been that way!  I think you get the picture though and if you don't, well here's the real picture:

As most of our family and friends and found out last weekend, baby Funk is on it's way!  This was our first glimpse at our little bean and at this point, it really was about the size of a bean!  This picture was taken at 8 weeks when the baby still had teeny webbed fingers and toes!  Although we couldn't hear the heartbeat, the ultrasound read it to be around 170 beats per minute!  
This picture was taken at 12 weeks when the baby was about the size of a lime.  I've never seen a live ultrasound, just the still pictures so when we saw our little one move during this ultrasound, it was a big surprise!  The baby opened it's mouth and brought it's little hand up to it's face.  We were also able to get a closer look at each little hand and foot! 

 I am now 14 weeks as of tomorrow and just yesterday we were actually able to hear it heart beat!  Overall I've been feeling pretty good!  I was a little sick the first few months and am still more tired than usual but I've heard that during this second trimester that should soon fade too!  I'm just starting to show although after I've eaten and am nice and bloated, I look like I could pass for 5 months pregnant!  We just found out today that on May 24th we'll be able to find out if we should be buying pink or blue!  But just for fun, we've already been thinking about names!  Because are parents are so important to us, we were thinking of combining their names so they had some real significance.  This would mean if it's a girl, she could be Suedori and if it's a boy, it will be Rossken!  And because I'm not a huge fan of surprises, I went on this cool website where we could actually find out what are kids will look like by combing our pictures!  So here they are:

Little Suedori
Little Rossken

Whatever the child looks like, whether it's a boy or a girl, we are looking forward to meeting this little one around October 17th!

1 comment:

  1. hehehee cute babies! And love the names. Notice what time I am writing this? 3:22am. This is your future! :)
