Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pickle What?

This past Friday night, a bunch of us from work, along with our spouses went over to one of our co-workers house for a party.  Sometime during the party, the host suggested we do some Pickle Shots!  I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly so I asked "Pickle What?"...Yes, pickle shots!  A pickle shot, also known as a Pickleback, is a type of shot wherein a shot of whiskey is chased by a shot of pickle juice. The pickle juice works to neutralize both the taste of the whiskey and the burn of the alcohol.  I thought that maybe this was an East Coast thing but I learned on Wikipedia that the origin of the Pickle Shot is unknown, although the name Pickleback is thought to have come from Brooklyn, NY.  Either way, I was intrigued by this new found drink and being a pickle lover, it didn't take much to convince me to give the Pickleback a try!

First, throw back the shot of Whiskey and before the alcohol has a chance to sting, you throw back the shot of pickle juice...The verdict...It ain't half bad!  In fact, it was actually quite good!  Sweeter than expected, not as pickley tasting as expected and actually quite smooth!

So, next time you finish all the pickles, don't throw out the pickle juice!!!

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