Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hidden Talent

This past week seemed to be somewhat of a productive week for both Carl and I.  Carl has completed 2 out of 5 sections for his final report and has also been working hard at his classes.  This semester Carl is taking 2 courses and is auditing a third.  In his spare time, he is usually at the library researching for his report.  As for myself, I finally got started on my next course at the bank but am not feeling very motivated this time round!  I am hoping to write the next exam in March and then I might take a break from the courses!  

As the title of this blog, indicates, some hidden talent was discovered this week!  For one of Carl's classes, he had to choose one of his favorite places and describe the spatial dimensions of it.  As part of this project, he decided to draw!  Now I knew Carl could draw better than me (which isn't saying much) but I didn't know he could draw so well...And I'm still wondering why he made me paint the pictures for our house when he's got all this talent?  I guess this is kind of like hanging my kid's artwork on the fridge but what can I say, I'm impressed with this hidden talent, so here are a few of the pictures Carl drew...

Cusco, Peru

Plaza De Armas, Cusco Peru

Plaza De Armas, Cusco Peru
Now, I must say Carl isn't the only one with hidden talent.  I myself have some talent and ok, maybe it's not quite hidden but I betcha not everyone knows that I am really good at finding deals!  Ok, so it's not quite a talent but I needed a segway so that I could tell you that I found us a sweet deal to Chicago!  We decided to spend some of our income tax return a little early and have booked 4 nights and 5 days in Chicago in February while Carl has reading break!  We're pretty excited!

And lastly I leave you with a few photos of us skating at Victoria Park today...

For some reason, whenever Carl puts skates on he feels the need to also
put on his Canucks Jersey!

 This is Leah Funk, official blogger of Funky Adventures, signing out until next time (how do you like my professional head shot? Heehee)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pickle What?

This past Friday night, a bunch of us from work, along with our spouses went over to one of our co-workers house for a party.  Sometime during the party, the host suggested we do some Pickle Shots!  I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly so I asked "Pickle What?"...Yes, pickle shots!  A pickle shot, also known as a Pickleback, is a type of shot wherein a shot of whiskey is chased by a shot of pickle juice. The pickle juice works to neutralize both the taste of the whiskey and the burn of the alcohol.  I thought that maybe this was an East Coast thing but I learned on Wikipedia that the origin of the Pickle Shot is unknown, although the name Pickleback is thought to have come from Brooklyn, NY.  Either way, I was intrigued by this new found drink and being a pickle lover, it didn't take much to convince me to give the Pickleback a try!

First, throw back the shot of Whiskey and before the alcohol has a chance to sting, you throw back the shot of pickle juice...The verdict...It ain't half bad!  In fact, it was actually quite good!  Sweeter than expected, not as pickley tasting as expected and actually quite smooth!

So, next time you finish all the pickles, don't throw out the pickle juice!!!

Sick Times in Kingston

          So I wouldn't say that a weekend spent in bed would be a waste of a weekend if it was done by choice, but to have to spend an entire weekend in bed because you're sick, well let me tell you, it sucks!  That was my weekend last week.  I don't ever remember staying in bed that long, but about 80% of my days Saturday, Sunday and even Monday, were spent sleeping!  I don't know what I had, but I sure am glad that it's now gone!  
          On Monday, Carl received an email from his friend Tom who lives in Ohio (we visited him on our way out to Kingston).  Tom mentioned he might have a few days off and was thinking he might come for a visit sometime.  Carl of course, told Tom he is welcome anytime.  So later on that afternoon I asked Carl when Tom was thinking of heading out our way, later on this week, next month?  Carl wasn't to sure so he texted Tom to find out.  Two minutes later Carl received a response "I'll be there by 10pm", Tom was already on his way!  I'd like to write that I jumped up, started cleaning the house and doing the laundry but I was still recovering from my awful cold, so me changing out of my pajama's was as far as I got!  Tom arrived safe and sound and we had a quick visit before heading to bed.  
          The following day, Carl only had one class so the boys got to tour around Kingston.  However, it rained all day and for some reason the guys walked into town and around town without umbrella's!  By the time they got home, they were soaked!  We spent the evening eating a delicious meal that Tom made for us and then Carl kicked our butts at Rummy (that's how it went, right Tom?).  
          Wednesday morning Tom woke up with a sore throat and although he said he had it before he came, I have a feeling me being sick didn't help!  So even though Tom said he had a good time, I can't help but feel his memories of Kingston will be jaded, the poor guy drove nine hours to come visit us, he had to sleep on a couch that was half his size, the weather was miserable, he brutally lost a game of Rummy and we sent him home with a cold!  Either way, Carl and I enjoyed the visit!

Best Buds
Carl and Tom

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Date Night and the Day After...

During the day on Tuesday, my friend called me up and asked what Carl and I were up to on Wednesday night.  I gave my usual answer of "oh ya know, probably just wining and dining, maybe some salsa dancing and a bit of relaxing" (aka. making a quick dinner, studying for a bit and going to bed early).  Even though our night sounded exciting, she asked if we would rather go see "Dralion", the new Cirque du Soleil because she could get us free tickets!!!  We of course, said YES!  Over the Christmas holiday, I had also won a gift card to a nice pub in town so we decided to start our night off with a nice free dinner!  Between dinner and the show we had a bit of time to spare so we popped into Starbucks!  One of the gals I had worked with at Starbucks was working and when she rang in our drinks she advised us that they were on the house tonight!  Now that's what I call a successful date night, free dinner, free drinks and a free show!  I have such nice friends!  The show was amazing - those people definitely have some talent!

Although the weather had been sunny and warm the previous few days (and I thought that maybe we had just skipped winter), after we got home from the show, the ice rain started!  We woke up the next morning and everything was covered with a thick layer of ice!  I had never seen anything like this before!  The bikes out front our place were slick with ice and had icicles hanging from them...     

 And each individual branch on this bush had its own covering of ice!

 On this branch you can see the ice beginning to melt.

 Even each individual blade of ice was surrounded by ice!

It took Carl at least 20 minutes to scrape the 1/2 inch coating of ice from our windshield!  Some people I knew couldn't even get into their cars and had to taxi to work!  The roads had been looked after with salt but I did see some videos of people in the surrounding area putting their skates on and skating down their own street!  It was a sight to see!

Yesterday, it snowed all day and the wind was howling making it blizzard like outside!  We haven't even ventured outside yet today as the weather network says it's about -22!  But yes, I still like Kingston because even though it's cold and snowy, it's sunny today :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Helloooo 2012!

Well, after 17 days of visiting family and friends, eating turkey dinners and relaxing, we're back in Kingston!  We had a great visit!  It was so nice to spend some quality time with those who mean the most to us!  Now that we're back, it's back to work and school and awaiting to see what 2012 may bring!  I didn't have to many people on my side when they found out I wanted to stay in Kingston, in fact I think I only got one vote (thanks Auntie Grace!).  We will see what doors get opened...Either way, 2012 will be another eventful year and we are looking forward to it!  Now, I leave you with a few photos of our trip home!

My dad decorating the tree
Carl, looking his dapper self

Bart, getting in the Christmas spirit

David, myself and Carl squished in the back seat, heading to the Vancouver Christmas market

Carl on Christmas day sporting his favorite Christmas present

The Funk family, minus Ryan, Alanna and Cody (miss you guys!)

Doing the traditional gift draw at Grandpa Joe's! 

The Sedin, I mean Funk brothers!

Working on the Christmas puzzle, a new family Christmas tradition

I love it when my families get together!  Dinner in Whistler!

Carl and Colin in the blizzard in Whistler!

Brittany and I, proud to have completed the Funk Family Christmas puzzle of 2011!

Colin, Ryan, Carl, Brittany and me showing off some of our Christmas presents!

I thought Bella might get jealous if I only put pictures of my dogs on here :) 

Spending some quality time with my pups before heading home!