Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Fun!

I can't tell you how much I am enjoying summer! It brings out The Flowers, The Summer Activities and for us - more Visitors!!!

The Flowers
Awhile back my friend Tiffany sent me a card with some flower seeds in it. At first, I didn't think I would use them as we don't really have a garden but then I thought, "what the heck, let's see if we can make em grow!" So off to the dollar store I went to find some hearty soil and good pots! We planted the seeds a few months back and much to our surprise, every pot except one has blossomed making this our first homegrown garden!

The Summer Activities
Carl and I are enjoying and trying to take advantage of everything Kingston has to offer in the summer! From bike riding, to kayaking, to summer festivities like "Movie's in the Square". We love the square! In the winter, we ice skate there, in the spring, summer and fall we go to the market and now, every Thursday night we go to watch a free movie! So far, we've seen the old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (thumbs up) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (2 thumbs down)! We're looking forward to many more!

This is our favorite part of summer! Just this past week we were lucky enough to have 2 groups of visitors pay us a visit! My cousin Amy and her boyfriend Jake were in the area visiting family and friends and stopping for a visit with Will and Kate in Ottawa! Jake, who now lives in the Greater Vancouver area actually grew up in Kingston! He gave us a few tips before we moved out here! They came by last Wednesday night for dinner and a nice visit!

And then, just today we had my best friends parents/my parents good friends/our ex-landlords/hopefully our future landlords, come visit us! Vic and Lorrie flew into Ottawa where they are staying with cousins, Dean and Elizabeth. The drove to Kingston for the day where we showed them our place, Queens Campus, downtown and caught up over lunch!
As long as the sun keeps shining, the flowers keep growing, the activities keep happening and the visitors keep coming, I just don't want summer to end!


  1. Great pictures - lots of my favourite people in them!!!

  2. yay!! the flower seeds worked!!
