Thursday, April 7, 2011

The results are in!

In November I started a new job with the bank as a Personal Banking Officer but, in order to keep the job, I had to write an exam on mutual funds. In between working at the bank and working at Starbucks I have spent the last 3 months studying like crazy for this exam. I know a bunch of people that have written the exam and failed or failed numerous times so I was terrified! I knew it was going to be hard and that I needed 60% to pass! The test was on everything from mutual funds to the business cycle to economics to other investment funds and uuuggh just writing about it makes me shudder! I had been thinking about when I fail what I would do, quit my job, pay to re-take the exam, how many attempts would it take me? I took the day before the test and the day of the test off work and studied and prayed - the only way I was gonna pass this thing was by the grace of God! Finally, it was time to write the test! I told all my friends here, our bible study group, my mom (who rounded up a group of people) to PRAY! I had three hours to write a 100 multiple choice exam with no bathroom breaks! I took the full three hours and as I answered each question, I circled it if I had to guess or if I wasn't 100% sure that I had answered it correctly. Don't laugh at me but I did this to prepare myself if I was gonna fail...I counted all the ones I circled and sure enough, if I got them all wrong, I will have failed. I checked for my mark everyday after writing the exam and braced my employer for bad news. This past Tuesday my manager was bugging me to check my mark but I didn't want to check it at work, see that I had failed and then have to go to my next job and fret about it all night. So I left the bank and went to work at Starbucks and got home around 10:30pm. I knew if I didn't check, my manager would be on my case in the morning to check at work. So as Carl was telling me something about his day, I logged on and interrupting Carl in mid sentence I blurted out "I GOT 74%!!!!". Carl looked at me quizzically wondering what I had just said and when he realized he jumped out of his chair, raised his hands in the air and shouted hooooray!!! Or something like that.....So yes, I passed with what I am going to call flying colors and am so so so relieved that that is over with! So thank you to all those who were praying, I honestly feel I couldn't have done it without ya! There is still lots of training to be done in my job but I should officially be off the training program by the end of April, although I feel like it will take at least a year until I actually feel like I know what I'm doing!

In other news, Carl and I celebrated April 1st by getting sushi like we did 2 years ago on that day when we got engaged. My sweet husband even bought me flowers and we had to take pictures just to make this blog post more exciting!

Carl has his last class for the semester tomorrow! After that, its 2 exams and then he is on his way to freedom! He is still on the hunt for an internship and although the pickings are becoming slim, we are optimistic that God has something in store.....Right God?

Other than that, we received a fun date night package from mom and dad Funk filled with candy from our favorite candy store! I think we were supposed to save it for the date night with the movie but it kind of disappeared quite quickly! I'd have to say though that receiving mail is probably one of the most exciting things I look forward to on a day to day basis, unless of course its just bills...Carl and I are looking forward to a weekend away for Easter but you'll have to keep reading the blog to find out where we are going!


  1. we are very happy for you both! Leah all that stress for nothing. Have more faith in yourself next time so you will have less stress. You are a very smart person and I look up to you for that!
    Carl Rock those exams and God will tell you were this internship is or if you need to take some time for yourself and Leah! We miss you both and so do the boys!
