So the storm has come and gone and we can officially say we survived our first blizzard! It wasn't so bad! It was cold, it snowed a lot and it was windy! Just to give you an idea of how much snow we have now...
The picture on the left was taken in the summer when we arrived. The picture on the right was taken today, after the storm!
The picture on the left is one that was on the blog the day before yesterday and right before all the snow came! The picture on the right was taken today, all the bikes are still there, you just can't see them!
The roads are pretty good, they do a pretty good job of keeping them clear and the snow here is much crunchier and I find grips your tires a little better! As for the sidewalks though, they were horrible today! They usually clear them and although some were cleared, it seemed that once the snow plow couldn't push anymore snow, it just stopped and left a huge mound of snow for me to crawl over! Always an adventure!
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