Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bringing Home Here...

It's funny how when we went home for Christmas, it kind of felt like we had never left. And now that we are back in Kingston, it feels like we never left here either. It's been a week since we got back and we are right back into the swing of the things, me with my 2 jobs and Carl with a full schedule of classes and homework! On our time off, we are both studying! I can't wait to be done my mutual funds exam - what will I do with all my spare time?!

So, being back here, we not only miss our family and friends but we miss the Vancouver weather! It snowed all day yesterday so we now have about a foot of snow. It will snow for a day and then be sunny for a day and then snow again, and then be sunny. The snow never melts. It's beautiful but it's COLD! Today is a sunny day and even though it says it is only -10, with the wind chill it is about -18...But I still think it feels even colder than that! Carl walks to school and I walk to the bank so we make sure to wear our thermals and bundle up!

So since we've been here and over the holidays, we have accumulated a small collection of pictures from friends and family. Our fridge was starting to get full and I didn't want to throw the pictures out so I decided to use one of our empty walls and start a collage!

There is still a whole lotta room on this wall and my goal is to have it filled by the time we leave! I want to bring a little home here! So this is the challenge for YOU - If you don't see your picture on here (or if you want more of you on our wall - cuz we do), send us your picture! If you need our address, let me know and I can get it to you! If I find out that you read this blog and I don't have a picture of you on our wall ASAP, I am going to be very sad
Put a picture in the mail today and make me happy!
Looking forward to seeing your smiles!

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