Monday, September 27, 2010

Ottawa and beyond

So I came home from work the other day and went into the main entrance of our building, which I don't normally do, I wanted to check the mail (we still haven't received your letter?). As I began walking towards our unit, I noticed something on the ground that looked familiar. I looked around to make sure no one was looking and I snatched it up quickly. As I continued on my way to our apartment, I had an awful thought "what if this isn't mine?". Clutching it a little less tight, I opened the door to our place and called out to Carl "Please tell you did laundry today and that these really are my pair of underwear?!". Phew, they were, they just got lost in transition!

Our week was pretty uneventful once again, just work for me and school for Carl. Carl try's to get most of his reading and homework done throughout the week so we have weekends free! This weekend I was able to get free hockey tickets to see the Kingston Frontenacs (OHL) from my newest friend Julie (the gal I am training at the bank). I had invited Kris, Kellie and Carolyn along but then it ended up that Julie could only get 2 tickets! So we sent the guys to the game and had a gals night drinking wine and watching a chick flick! The movie was good, it was about...Oh, you would rather hear about the hockey game? The guys enjoyed it but said it was a bit slow - It wasn't the NHL boys!

On Saturday Carl and I decided to trek out to Ottawa! We took the side roads to get there, which isn't much longer than taking the 401 (about 2 hours) but it is much prettier! The leaves are just starting to turn and the colors are vibrant and beautiful! We passed through several small towns including one that I loved called, Westport! There are little lakes everywhere, old picturesque buildings and quaint little houses in each town.

Ottawa is on a much larger scale :) There are several museums to see, you can tour the parliament buildings and hear people talking in french! We didn't do any museums as we thought we'd save those for when you come to visit us! We just walked around town, enjoyed the views, got some snap shots of the Parliament buildings and had lunch at the Byward market!

On Sunday, after church we did more touring! We spent the day walking around Kingston! Carl has been on many walking tours with his class around the Kingston area so I got him to give me a tour! Hopefully, he'll give you a tour on the next blog entry! We stopped for lunch at a small restaurant that we wouldn't have even seen if weren't starving! We walked in and instantly were taken back in time! The place hadn't been renovated probably since it opened! It looked like your typical ol' diner you see in the movies! We grabbed a seat and a little old lady who had to be at least 70 came hobbling to our table. She was the owner, the server, the cook, the dishwasher, she was everything! There were 3 other groups in the restaurant while we dined and she managed all of us on her own! I saw a paper article on the wall that did a write up on the restaurant and it noted that the lady and her husband had been running the place for over thirty years (and the article was probably almost 10 years old!).


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