Sunday, March 18, 2012

There's a "spring" in my step'

Ahhhhh spring!  It doesn't officially start until Tuesday but with weather in the high teens today and sticking around all week, I think it's safe to say that spring has sprung!  A part of me dreads that a freak snowstorm will hit us in the weeks to come but for now, I'm soaking in the rays!  

Saturday was St. Patrick's Day and either we were oblivious last year or it was just a bigger event this year because the streets were littered with green people all day!  Carl walked to the library on Saturday morning around 9:30am and I got a text from him that read "looks like they are already setting for drinking in the student ghetto"...And a few minutes later another text came in "did I say setting up?  I meant they are already drinking!"  The students were out all day and all night celebrating St. Patrick's Day!  It was chaos!  We spent our evening at a friends having a slightly tamer night then the students outside!  This morning we thought it would be quiet around town but on our walk to church, already people were outside sitting on couches and roofs enjoying the sunny weather!
 After church today we went out for brunch with some friends and then decided to take a longer walk home and go down by the water.

Beautiful!  I am loving this weather!...And all those comments on Facebook about the rain and snow back home are not convincing us that the Vancouver area is where we want to be :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Computer Time!

I was finally able to steal the computer away from Carl for a significant amount of time so that I can catch up on my emails, Facebook, banking and of course blogging!  Carl has class tonight until 9pm so it's just me and my laptop!  Although I should be studying for an exam that I have coming up at the end of the month, I really just need to take advantage of my computer time!  

Carl has been hogging the computer to of course, work on his final report!  He has been making huge progress and I believe just needs to write a section or two on his findings and write a conclusion!  From there he'll need to send his report in to an outside source to be reviewed, he'll make the necessary changes and then it gets published!  In his spare time, Carl has been applying for jobs!  Over the past several weeks, Carl has applied to numerous jobs (and most of you will be happy to know they've all been back in BC!).  There are about 2 or 3 that Carl is qualified for (meaning they don't require experience) and that he would be excited to get!  So this is where you come - prayer is needed!  I guess you could say its been on our minds lately on what the future will bring.  Carl has been applying for jobs, I've been looking for jobs back at home within the bank and ideally we'd like to head back in July - so how will it all get orchestrated that way so the timing is just right?  For the most part, we know and trust that it's in Gods hands and we have full faith that He will orchestrate it all, but it doesn't always keep us from wondering and maybe slightly worrying.  So like I said, prayer is appreciated!  However it works out, we are looking forward to the next adventure!  

Hard to believe that Carl is done in less than a month and most of our friends from Carl's program are leaving by May!  We'd like to hang around a bit for several reasons 1) our lease goes until August 2) the summers here are beautiful 3) We want to do a trip to the East Coast and want it to be warm!  Speaking of warm, it was 10 degrees today!  Crazy how on Monday it was down to feeling like minus 20 and within 2 days it jumped about 30 degrees!  I just hope it keeps jumping because I am ready for SUMMER!!!