I'm sitting here in Whistler with Mom and Dad Funk working on a puzzle, Carl watching hockey, Alanna reading a book, Cody outside playing in the snow, Christmas lights on the big 12 foot tree and a fire burning...Ahhh relaxation! Even though we've technically been on vacation for over a week now, I am feeling somewhat relaxed for the first time. The past few days have been full of family fun! On Christmas day we headed to Carl's Oma and Opa's house for a lovely feast and visit with the family!
I think I caught Oma and Opa off guard here because I know they were having more fun than this picture portrays :)
Girl talk
I am not used to having so many young family members running around so I found them all quite entertaining :)
Our nephew, Cody
Some of the family
Me and cousin Bryn
More family
On boxing day we had to split our time between the Funk and the McMeekan clans. We first headed to Grandma and Grandpa Funk's...
Cousin Andrea, Grandma Funk and Aunt Irene
Handing out the Gifts
Uncle Brad and Ryan deep in debate
Nick explaining something really interesting to the cousins!
Brittany and Colin
Ryan, Alanna and Cody
After a nice dinner and visit, it was off to Grandpa Joe's...
Grandpa Joe with all his kids
Carl, Dan and Chantel
Auntie Tonya with cousins Connor and Kohl
Carl, me, Miranda, Uncle Stu and Terri
Overall, we had a fun time at each family function! It was our first year going to all the family Christams's on both sides and we loved each one! It's neat to see how each family celebrates in a different way. We feel so blessed to have so much family and to be able to celebrate with everyone. Now, off to do more relaxing!